مزار : Mazar Meaning in English
Mazar Synonyms
Mazar in Detail
1 of 3) مزار مقبرہ قبر : Burial Chamber Sepulcher Sepulchre Sepulture : (noun) a chamber that is used as a grave.
3 of 3) مقبرہ کسی مشہور آدمی کا مقبرہ مزار : Monument Repository : (noun) a burial vault (usually for some famous person).
Useful Words
میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
حجرہ : Chamber : a natural or artificial enclosed space. "I lived in chamber".
سنگین : Dangerous : causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm. "A grave situation".
متاثرہ شخص : Exploited : of persons; taken advantage of. "After going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used".