مَزدُور کا احتجاج : Mazdor Ka Ehtijaj Meaning in English
Mazdor Ka Ehtijaj in Detail
1) مزدور کا احتجاج : Go-Slow : (noun) a form of protest by workers in which they deliberately slow down in order to cause problem from their employers.
Useful Words
قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".
جان بوجھ کر : Advisedly : with intention; in an intentional manner. "She left home by choice".
نیچے کی طرف : Down : extending or moving from a higher to a lower place. "Cast your sight down".
ملازمت دینے والا : Employer : a person or firm that employs workers. "The employer wants to cut back health benefits".
جسم : Anatomy : alternative names for the body of a human being. "Anatomy of liver and surrounding".
حکم دینا : Enjoin : give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority. "I said to him to go home".
مسئلہ : Job : a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved. "He had memory loss problem".
احتجاج : Dissent : the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent. "You are protesting for something nonsense so understand people will not go with you".
سست : Slow : not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time. "You are too slow".
وہ : They : Used to refer two or more people or things. "They that are bound must obey".
کونسا : Which : interrogatively. "Which matter that was?".
مزدور : Worker : a person who works at a specific occupation. "He is a good worker".