معذُوری : Mazori Meaning in English
Mazori Synonyms
Mazori in Detail
1 of 3) معذوری اپاہج ہونا : Invalidism : (noun) chronic ill health.
2 of 3) بے اختیاری معذوری معزور : Disability Disablement Handicap Impairment : (noun) the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness.
Useful Words
میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
دھتی : Chronic : habitual. "His father is a chronic smoker".
حالت : Condition : a state at a particular time. "I have very strange condition".
اثر : Consequence : a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. "Poor marketing put bad consequence the company".
طبیعت : Health : the general condition of body and mind. "How is your health?".
علالت : Ailment : an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining.
دماغی : Mental : involving the mind or an intellectual process. "Mental images of happy times".
کرنا : Do : carry out or perform an action. "I did it in a flash".
مادی : Physical : involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit. "Physical exercise".
قابل نا ہونا : Unable : (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how. "Unable to get to town without a car".
جسمانی صلاحیتوں کا فقدان : Softness : poor physical condition; being out of shape or out of condition (as from a life of ease and luxury).