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Medieval meaning in Urdu

Medieval Sentences

Medieval scholars in London.
A medieval attitude toward dating.

Medieval Synonyms


Medieval Definitions

1 of 3) Medieval, Mediaeval : پانچ سے پندرویں صدی کا, قرون وسطوی : (adjective) relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages.

Medieval times.

2 of 3) Medieval, Gothic, Mediaeval : قرون وسطی کا, پانچ سے پندرویں صدی کا : (satellite adjective) as if belonging to the Middle Ages; old-fashioned and unenlightened.

3 of 3) Medieval, Chivalric, Knightly : قرون وسطی : (satellite adjective) characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages.

Useful Words

Modern : جدید , Sackbut : ایک آلہ موسیقی , Heaume : قدیم ہیلمٹ , Man-At-Arms : سپاہی , Cuirass : زرہ , Miracle Play : انجیل کے واقعات کے بارے میں , Wimple : خواتین کا سر ڈھانپنے کا کپڑا , Falchion : چھوٹی تلوار , Page : خادم , Scholasticism : فلسفیانہ نظام , Stubbs : انگریز تاریخ دان , Chagatai : ایک بولی , Pike : نیزہ , Machicolation : فن تعمیر , Phlegm : بلغم , Cockaigne : خیالی جنت , Kirtle : مردوں کا ایک لباس , Medieval Schoolman : عالم , Camise : قمیض , Helot : غلام , Fool : مسخرہ , Aelius Donatus : رومی زبان دان , White-Bread : سفید فام سے تعلق رکھنے والا , Maimonides : ہسپانوی فلسفی , Average : بیچ کا , Preadolescent : بالغ ہونے سے متعلق , Bodily : جسمانی , Civic : شہر سے متعلق , Medial : درمیانی سے متعلق , Astronomic : فلکیات سے متعلق , Organismal : عضویاتی

Useful Words Definitions

Modern: belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages.

Sackbut: a medieval musical instrument resembling a trombone.

Heaume: a large medieval helmet supported on the shoulders.

Man-At-Arms: a heavily armed and mounted soldier in medieval times.

Cuirass: medieval body armor that covers the chest and back.

Miracle Play: a medieval play representing episodes from the life of a saint or martyr.

Wimple: headdress of cloth; worn over the head and around the neck and ears by medieval women.

Falchion: a short broad slightly convex medieval sword with a sharp point.

Page: in medieval times a youth acting as a knight's attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood.

Scholasticism: the system of philosophy dominant in medieval Europe; based on Aristotle and the Church Fathers.

Stubbs: English historian noted for his constitutional history of medieval England (1825-1901).

Chagatai: a Turkic literary language of medieval central Asia (named for one of the sons of Genghis Khan).

Pike: medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet.

Machicolation: a projecting parapet supported by corbels on a medieval castle; has openings through which stones or boiling water could be dropped on an enemy.

Phlegm: expectorated matter; saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages; in ancient and medieval physiology it was believed to cause sluggishness.

Cockaigne: (Middle Ages) an imaginary land of luxury and idleness.

Kirtle: a garment resembling a tunic that was worn by men in the Middle Ages.

Medieval Schoolman: a scholar in one of the universities of the Middle Ages; versed in scholasticism.

Camise: a loose shirt or tunic; originally worn in the Middle Ages.

Helot: (Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord.

Fool: a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the Middle Ages.

Aelius Donatus: Roman grammarian whose textbook on Latin grammar was used throughout the Middle Ages (fourth century).

White-Bread: of or belonging to or representative of the white middle class.

Maimonides: Spanish philosopher considered the greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages who codified Jewish law in the Talmud (1135-1204).

Average: relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values).

Preadolescent: of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12.

Bodily: of or relating to or belonging to the body.

Civic: of or relating or belonging to a city.

Medial: relating to or situated in or extending toward the middle.

Astronomic: relating or belonging to the science of astronomy.

Organismal: of or relating to or belonging to an organism (considered as a whole).

Medieval in Book Titles

The Medieval World.
The Senses in Late Medieval England.
The Medieval Theater of Cruelty: Rhetoric, Memory, Violence.
Medieval Women and the LawHistorical Dictionary of Gothic Literature.

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