Matli C Kayfiya...Bezaar KarnaMasala DaalnaMasala LaganaKhamosh Kar DenaBuland Awaz HonaKhamosh HonaChup HonaMeetha KarnaShakar BananaSukranaMazeed Khatta K...Khatta KarnaTurshi Paida KarnaKasela KarnaJinsi Taskeen K...Takleef Da HonaBhanp LenaNarazamandi Se ...Hichkichahat Se...

میٹھا کرنا : Meetha Karna Meaning in English

Meetha Karna Sentence


Meetha Karna in Detail

1) میٹھا کرنا : Dulcify Dulcorate Edulcorate Sweeten : (verb) make sweeter in taste.

Useful Words

بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".

مزا : Gustatory Perception : the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus. "Why do you drink so much alcohol, it tastes bad and your mouth stinks as well".

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