HalejBezwi ShakalUljhaoGm RaheGheraGhungraleGhungralaGol C ShakalMurabaKoi Muraba ShakalAisi Shakal Jis...Char Zila Wali ...ChoghoshaMaslasTakonMaslas NumaQaima AlzawiyaChay Nokun WalaMutawazi AlazlahPanch Koni Tara

مُربع : Muraba Meaning in English

Muraba Sentence

Muraba in Detail

1) مربع کوئی مربع شکل : Foursquare Square : (noun) (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon.


Useful Words

راہ لینا : Angle : move or proceed at an angle. "When Maniya Surve encountered took place, bullets were being fired from every angle".

ہم مرتبہ : Compeer : a person who is of equal standing with another in a group. "She is more intelligent then her peer".

چار : 4 : being one more than three.

علم ہندسہ : Geometry : the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces. "Geometry box".

ہوائی جہاز : Aeroplane : an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets. "Get the plane unloaded".

کئی کونے والی شکل : Polygon : a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides. "Create a five sided polygon of wood block".

پکا گاہک : Fixture : a regular patron. "An habitue of the racetrack".

ٹھیک : Correct : free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth. "He does right".

طرف : Side : a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location. "They always sat on the right side of the church".
