MawafiqSaz GarAwaz Ki Raftar ...Zair SutiAwaz Ki Raftaro...Sadai Leharoun KaAn SunaBe SamaatMustanadTaslem Shuda Ejazat YaftaManzoor ShudaMuqadasGhair MustanadNajaizBe SanadKhud Tay KardaGhair MusaddiqaGhair MutabarGhair Sanad Yafta

مستند : Mustanad Meaning in English

Mustanad Synonyms


Mustanad in Detail

1 of 5) مستند : Authorised Authorized : (adjective) endowed with authority.

2 of 5) اصلی مستند : Echt Genuine : (adjective) not fake or counterfeit.

3 of 5) مستند : Unquestionable : (adjective) incapable of being questioned.

4 of 5) مستند حقیقی : Bona Fide : (satellite adjective) undertaken in good faith,authentic.

5 of 5) مستند حقیقی اصلی : Authentic Bona Fide Unquestionable Veritable : (satellite adjective) not counterfeit or copied.

Useful Words

اختیار : Authorisation : the power or right to give orders or make decisions. "He has the authority to issue warrants".

جعلی : Counterfeit : not genuine; imitating something superior. "Counterfeit emotion".

موقوفہ : Endowed : provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature). "A well-endowed college".

جعلی : Fake : something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be. "It`s fake".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

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