متعصب : Mutasib Meaning in English
Mutasib in Detail
1) متعصب : Bigoted : (satellite adjective) blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others.
Useful Words
وابستہ : Affiliated : being joined in close association. "Affiliated partner".
اندھے پن سے : Blindly : without seeing or looking. "He felt around his desk blindly".
اعتقاد : Credo : any system of principles or beliefs.
ناروا دار : Intolerant : unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion.
ڈھٹائی سے : Cussedly : in a stubborn unregenerate manner. "She remained stubbornly in the same position".
خیال : Opinion : a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. "Your opinion differs from mine".
قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".
تھوڑا : Some : relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent. "May I have some words with you?".
طرف : Toward : in the direction of. "If Allah wills, Pakistan will move towards success in the times to come".