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نا سمجھ : Na Samajh Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Na Samajh Synonyms


Na Samajh in Detail

1 of 3) پریشان خیال نا سمجھ : Addlebrained Addlepated Muddleheaded Puddingheaded : (satellite adjective) stupid and confused.

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i rarely come
you should have thought this before

2 of 3) احمقانہ بے وقوف نا سمجھ : Nitwitted Senseless Soft-Witted Witless : (satellite adjective) (of especially persons) lacking sense or understanding or judgment.

3 of 3) نادان نا سمجھ : Mindless : (satellite adjective) lacking the thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious being.

Useful Words

مذبذب : At Sea : perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment. "Obviously bemused by his questions".

خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".

رائے : Judgement : an opinion formed by judging something. "What you don`t get in this world will get on the day of judgment but condition is obey Allah".

کم : Deficient : inadequate in amount or degree. "A deficient education".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

سمجھ : Common Sense : sound practical judgment. "Even after being acquitted and released, they are still spying on you, doesn`t make sense".

الو : Dolt : a person who is not very bright. "You are so stupid that you handed over a huge amount without receiving a receipt".

سمجھ بوجھ : Apprehension : the cognitive condition of someone who understands. "He has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect".

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