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نل کاری : Nal Kari Meaning in English

Nal Kari in Detail

1) نل کاری پلمبر کا پیشہ : Plumbery Plumbing : (noun) the occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building).


Useful Words

عمارت : Building : a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. "There was a three-story building on the corner".

جمی ہوئی چیز : Fixture : an object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household).

نصب کرنے کا عمل : Installation : the act of installing something (as equipment). "The telephone installation took only a few minutes".

کام : Business : the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money. "He`s not in my line of business".

چیخ : Pipe : utter a shrill cry.

نل کار : Pipe Fitter : a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances.

میل کچیل کا نالیوں سے نکل جانا : Sewage : waste matter carried away in sewers or drains.

پانی : Water : a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants. "May I bring water for you ?".

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