Rangnay Ka Tezab Qudrati Tezabi ...Nafsiyati DawaJis Mein Tamam ...Safra Ki Adam M...Jarasim Kush Dawa Jild Kay Khuliy...Be Dagh Khuliy ...Namak Ka TezabNafsiyati Dawa ...Oxygen Ko Khoon...Hidrogen Ka Tezab Ek Tarz E Mosiqi Kari Jaanch Charbi Mein Tez...Jisim Mein Safr...Dhela Chor DenaTezabiyat Janch...Tezab Kay Asar ...Tezab Aawar

نَمَک کا تَیزاب : Namak Ka Tezab Meaning in English

Namak Ka Tezab in Detail

1) نمک کا تیزاب : Chlorohydric Acid Hydrochloric Acid : (noun) an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride; a strongly corrosive acid.


Useful Words

تلخی : Acerb : harsh or corrosive in tone. "An acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose".

تباہ کن : Corrosive : spitefully sarcastic. "Corrosive cristism".

ہلکی گیس جو آکسیجن کے ساتھ مل کر پانی بناتی ہے : Atomic Number 1 : a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas; the simplest and lightest and most abundant element in the universe.

حل : Answer : a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem. "They were trying to find a peaceful solution".

مضبوطی سے : Strongly : with strength or in a strong manner. "Before Imran Khan became the Prime Minister, everyone strongly agreed that he should come, but as soon as be came, the country`s condition got worsen".

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