نمک کی جسم میں کمی : Namak Ki Jisim Mein Kami Meaning in English
Namak Ki Jisim Mein Kami in Detail
1) نمک کی جسم میں کمی : Salt Depletion : (noun) loss of salt from the body without replacement (loss by vomiting or profuse perspiration or urination or diarrhea) thus upsetting the electrolyte balance.
Useful Words
توازن : Balance : a state of equilibrium. "He was climbing th roof wall to perform a stunt in front of the girl but his balance deteriorated and he fell down".
جسم : Body : the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being). "He felt as if his whole body were on fire".
اسہال : Diarrhea : frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor. "Pepto-bismol is good for diarrhea".
نقصان : Loss : something that is lost. "What is your loss?".
پسینہ : Perspiration : salty fluid secreted by sweat glands. "Perspiration running down her forehead".
بے انتہاء : Exuberant : produced or growing in extreme abundance. "Their riotous blooming".
تبادلہ : Replacement : the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another. "Replacing the star will not be easy".
نمک : Salt : a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal). "How much salt have you added?".
بدحواس کرنے والا : Disconcerting : causing an emotional disturbance. "His disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly".
پیشاب کرنا : Micturition : the discharge of urine.
الٹی : Disgorgement : the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the abdomen through the mouth. "I feel vomiting but it doesn`t come out".