Samaji HesiyatZatBartanvi Sanvi ...Dosray Darjy KaOhdaSatar Jala WatniNabalgh BachchaNawabi RutbhaAfzaliyatGumnamiKam HesiyatiGhair Eham Hona...Halat E FaramushiFaramoshShohratMashor KarnaQudrati UthaanBadnami Ruswai

نَوابی رُتبَہ : Nawabi Rutbha Meaning in English

Nawabi Rutbha in Detail

1) نوابی رتبہ نوابی کا رتبہ : Baronetcy Barony : (noun) the rank or dignity or position of a baronet or baroness.


Useful Words

نواب عورت : Baroness : a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron.

چھوٹا نواب : Baronet : a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight. "Since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones, Bart".

شان : Dignity : the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. "You are qn educated guy so don`t lose your dignity by fighting with bully".

رکھنا : Lay : put into a certain place or abstract location. "Where do I put it ?".

زر خیز : Rank : very fertile; producing profuse growth. "Rank earth".

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