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نیلے کالے پروں والی چڑیا : Neeley Kaley Paron Wali Chirya Meaning in English

Neeley Kaley Paron Wali Chirya in Detail

1) نیلے کالے پروں والی چڑیا : Common European Jay Garullus Garullus : (noun) fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings.


Useful Words

سیاہ : Black : the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white).

اعلی نسبی : Aristocratic : belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy. "A blue-blooded family".

رنگین : Colored : having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination. "Colored crepe paper".

ڈھانپ لینا : Cap : lie at the top of. "Snow capped the mountains".

خوف زدہ ہونا : Cower : show submission or fear.

نیلے رنگ کا ایک پرندہ : Jay : crested largely blue bird.

سفید : White : being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light. "Just white".

پر : Wing : a movable organ for flying (one of a pair).

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