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نِگران اِمتحان : Nigran Imtehan Meaning in English

Nigran Imtehan in Detail

1) نگران امتحان : Invigilator : (noun) someone who watches examination candidates to prevent cheating.


Useful Words

امیدوار : Campaigner : a politician who is running for public office. "Every candidate promises to make Pakistan a better country but after winning they do contrary to what they promised so first figure out who is the honest candidate then cast your vote".

بدکار : Adulterous : not faithful to a spouse or lover. "A two-timing boyfriend".

پیپر : Exam : a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. "Matric exams starts".

روکنا : Forbid : keep from happening or arising; make impossible. "Tight security was in place to prevent the attack on the president`s arrival".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

Nigran ImtehanDetailQuiz
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