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نگراں : Nigran Meaning in English

Nigran Sentence

Nigran Synonyms


Nigran in Detail

1 of 7) نگراں : Monitor Proctor : (noun) someone who supervises (an examination).

2 of 7) محافظ نگرانی کرنے والا ولی : Defender Guardian Protector Shielder : (noun) a person who cares for persons or property.

3 of 7) نگران : Caretaker : (noun) a custodian who is hired to take care of something (property or a person).

4 of 7) نگران ناظم رکہوالہ : Custodian Keeper Steward : (noun) one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals.

5 of 7) نگراں منتظم ناظم : Administrator Decision Maker : (noun) someone who administers a business.

6 of 7) نگران : Conservator : (noun) someone appointed by a court to assume responsibility for the interests of a minor or incompetent person.

7 of 7) نگران : Regulator : (noun) an official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest.

Useful Words

پروا کرنا : Care : feel concern or interest. "I have always cared for you that is why I love you even after your divorce".

پیپر : Exam : a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. "Matric exams starts".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

ملکیت : Belongings : something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone. "Is it your father`s property ?".

رہنمائی کرنا : Manage : watch and direct. "Who is overseeing this project?".
