نوکیلےدانتوں والا : Nokeely Dandton Wala Meaning in English
Nokeely Dandton Wala in Detail
1) نوکیلےدانتوں والا : Saber-Toothed Sabertoothed Sabre-Toothed : (satellite adjective) having teeth that resemble sabers.
Useful Words
مشابہ ہونا : Resemble : appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to. "You resemble your mother".
خمدار تلوار سے زخمی کرنا : Saber : cut or injure with a saber.
دانت : Dentition : the kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal. "Dirty dog, I will break your teeth".