نُمایاں طَور پَر : Numaya Tor Par Meaning in English
Numaya Tor Par Synonyms
Numaya Tor Par in Detail
1 of 4) نمایاں طور پر : Appreciably : (adverb) to a noticeable degree.
2 of 4) نمایاں طور پر قابل ادراک طور پر : Noticeably Observably Perceptibly : (adverb) in a noticeable manner.
3 of 4) نمایاں طور پر : Conspicuously Prominently : (adverb) in a prominent way.
4 of 4) نمایاں طور پر : Eminently : (adverb) in an eminent manner.
Useful Words
سطح : Degree : a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality. "A moderate grade of intelligence".
ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".
قابل توجہ : Noticeable : capable or worthy of being perceived. "Noticeable shadows under her eyes".