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نُمایاں : Numaya Meaning in English

Numaya Synonyms


Numaya in Detail

1 of 8) غیر معمولی نمایاں : Remarkable Singular : (satellite adjective) unusual or striking.

2 of 8) نمایاں متعین : Marked Pronounced : (satellite adjective) strongly marked; easily noticeable.

3 of 8) نمایاں : Conspicuous : (adjective) obvious to the eye or mind.

4 of 8) نمایاں : Extraordinary Over-The-Top Sinful : (satellite adjective) far more than usual or expected.

5 of 8) سوجن سوجا ابھرا : Bellied Bellying Bulbous Bulging Bulgy Protuberant : (satellite adjective) curving outward.

6 of 8) نمایاں : Featured : (satellite adjective) made a feature or highlight; given prominence.

7 of 8) نمایاں نامور : Big Large Prominent : (satellite adjective) conspicuous in position or importance.

8 of 8) قابل ذکر نمایاں : Outstanding Prominent Salient Spectacular Striking : (satellite adjective) having a quality that thrusts itself into attention.

Useful Words

آسانی کے ساتھ : Easily : with ease (`easy` is sometimes used informally for `easily`). "I get scared pretty easily".

قابل توجہ : Noticeable : capable or worthy of being perceived. "Noticeable shadows under her eyes".

دلکش : Dramatic : sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect. "A spectacular scenery".

مضبوطی سے : Strongly : with strength or in a strong manner. "Before Imran Khan became the Prime Minister, everyone strongly agreed that he should come, but as soon as be came, the country`s condition got worsen".

غیر معمولی : Unusual : not usual or common or ordinary. "He is not an unusual person He traveled all over the world".

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