Odd Man Out meaning in Urdu
Odd Man Out Synonyms
Odd Man Out Definitions
1) Odd Man Out, Kook, Odd Fellow, Odd Fish, Queer Bird, Queer Duck : نیم پاگل, چڑیا : (noun) someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group.
Useful Words
Nutter : پاگل , Brother : ساتھی , Compeer : ہم مرتبہ , Representation : نمائندگی , Sacred Scripture : مقدس صحیفہ , Social Unit : گروہ , Body : مجلس , Flip : پاگل ہونا , School : مچھلیوں کا جھنڈ , Craze : بے وقوف بنانا , Heterostraci : ناپید مچھلی , Chum : مچھلی کے شکار کا چارہ , Creep : غیر معمولی شخص , Contrariness : خبط , Crackpot : نیم پاگل , Eccentrically : بے تکے پن سے , Codger : انوکھا آدمی , Bully : غنڈا , Loon : بیکار سست ساتھی , Mate : ساتھی , Brick : مخلص ساتھی , Homeboy : نیا غنڈا , Co-Opt : منتخب کرنا , Company Man : وفادار ملازم , Homegirl : نئی غنڈی , Black Marlin : بلیک مارلین , Common Iliac Vein : پیڑو کی نس , Headfish : سمندری مچھلی , Stationary : ساکن , Coequal : مساوی , Stand : کھڑا رہنا
Useful Words Definitions
Nutter: a person who is regarded as eccentric or mad.
Brother: a male person who is a fellow member (of a fraternity or religion or other group).
Compeer: a person who is of equal standing with another in a group.
Representation: the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf.
Sacred Scripture: any writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group.
Social Unit: an organization regarded as part of a larger social group.
Body: a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity.
Flip: go mad, go crazy.
School: a large group of fish.
Craze: cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind.
Heterostraci: extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fish-like vertebrate; taxonomy is not clear.
Chum: bait consisting of chopped fish and fish oils that are dumped overboard to attract fish.
Creep: someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric.
Contrariness: a fussy and eccentric disposition.
Crackpot: a whimsically eccentric person.
Eccentrically: in an eccentric or bizarre manner.
Codger: used affectionately to refer to an eccentric but amusing old man.
Bully: a cruel and brutal fellow.
Loon: a worthless lazy fellow.
Mate: a fellow member of a team.
Brick: a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy.
Homeboy: a fellow male member of a youth gang.
Co-Opt: choose or elect as a fellow member or colleague.
Company Man: an employee whose first loyalty is to the company rather than to fellow workers.
Homegirl: a fellow female member of a youth gang.
Black Marlin: large game fish in the Pacific Ocean; This is one of the fastest fish on earth reaching speeds up to 80 mph.
Common Iliac Vein: formed by the internal and external iliac veins; unites with its fellow from the opposite side of the body to form the inferior vena cava.
Headfish: among the largest bony fish; pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe; worldwide in warm waters.
Stationary: standing still.
Coequal: having the same standing before the law.
Stand: be standing; be upright.