Opening meaning in Urdu
Opening Sentences
Opening Synonyms
Opening Definitions
3 of 6) Opening : اسامی : (noun) opportunity especially for employment or promotion.
There is an opening in the sales department.
4 of 6) Opening, Orifice, Porta : سوراخ : (noun) an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity.
5 of 6) Opening, Hatchway, Scuttle : جہاز کی گزرگاہ : (noun) an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship.
6 of 6) Opening, First Step, Initiative, Opening Move : ابتدائی, افتتاح : (noun) the first of a series of actions.
Useful Words
Stoma : کوئی سوراخ , Gastroenterostomy : معدہ اور چھوٹی آنت کے درمیان آپریشن کے ذریعے سوراخ بنانا , Emptiness : خالی جگہ , Hole : سوراخ , Hollowness : کھوکھلاپن , Breach : شگاف ڈالنا , Imperforate : سوراخ نہ ہونا , Aperture : شگاف , Cleft : شگاف , Hole : چھید , Interstice : چیزوں کے درمیان تنگ جگہ , Cervix : رحم کا گردن نما حصہ , Slit : چاک , Home Page : مرکزی صفحہ , Os : منہ , Astomatous : جس کا منہ نہ ہو , Reeve : سوراخ میں سے گزارنا , Breach : شگاف , Open : شروع کرنا , Rent : پھاڑنا , Mouth : منہ , Leak : رسنا , Cave : کہوکھلا کرنا , Bag : تھیلا , Chink : دراڑ , Opening The Fast : افطار کرنا , Reeve : سوراخ میں سے رسا گزارنا , Chasm : کھائی , Exit : نکاس , Placket : زیر جامعہ , Spout : ٹونٹی
Useful Words Definitions
Stoma: a mouth or mouthlike opening (especially one created by surgery on the surface of the body to create an opening to an internal organ).
Gastroenterostomy: surgical creation of an opening between the stomach wall and the small intestines; performed when the normal opening has been eliminated.
Emptiness: an empty area or space.
Hole: an opening into or through something.
Hollowness: the state of being hollow: having an empty space within.
Breach: make an opening or gap in.
Imperforate: not perforated; having no opening.
Aperture: a natural opening in something.
Cleft: a long narrow opening.
Hole: an opening deliberately made in or through something.
Interstice: small opening between things.
Cervix: necklike opening to the uterus.
Slit: a long narrow opening.
Home Page: the opening page of a web site.
Os: a mouth or mouthlike opening.
Astomatous: having no mouth or mouthlike opening.
Reeve: pass through a hole or opening.
Breach: an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification).
Open: make the opening move.
Rent: an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart.
Mouth: the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge.
Leak: have an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out.
Cave: hollow out as if making a cave or opening.
Bag: a flexible container with a single opening.
Chink: a narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall.
Opening The Fast: opening the fast at the time of sunset.
Reeve: pass a rope through the opening or hole.
Chasm: a deep opening in the earth's surface.
Exit: an opening that permits escape or release.
Placket: a piece of cloth sewn under an opening.
Spout: an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain.
Related Words
Beginning : آغاز , Entrance : گزر گاہ , Escape Hatch : ہنگامی راستہ , Passage : نالی , Spiracle : سانس لینے کا سوراخ , Mouth : چہرے کا واضع حصہ , Rift : شگاف , Chance : موقع , Beginning : ابتدائی