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پسینہ : Pasena Meaning in English

Pasena Sentences

English Learning Video

Pasena in Detail

1) پسینہ : Perspiration Sudor Sweat : (noun) salty fluid secreted by sweat glands.

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دگرگوں : Fluid : subject to change; variable. "A fluid situation fraught with uncertainty".

جسم کے لئے ضروری مادوں کو اپنے اندر محفوظ کرنے والا گلٹھی نما اعضاء : Gland : any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream.

نمکین : Salty : containing or filled with salt. "It is too salty".

پسینے کا جلد کے مسامات سے خارج ہونا : Perspire : excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin. "Exercise makes one sweat".

یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا