Par LaganaEstamal Shuda S...Mutabaadil Tor ...Garam Lohay Ko ...Suzan Kari KarnaKarahai KarnaDarzi Ka KamKapray Tayyar K...Patton Se SajanaEk Sath LapaytnaSath BandhnaQureshia KarnaPhanda BananaKapra BunnaKeeray Ki C Ban...KirmaniTanga Kar SajanaSajnaDobara Sajana Y...Madi Shakal Mei...

پَتّوں سے سجانا : Patton Se Sajana Meaning in English

Patton Se Sajana in Detail

1) پتوں سے سجانا : Foliate : (verb) decorate with leaves.


Useful Words

سجانا : Adorn : make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.. "How this wedding stage was decorated that it fell down as more people climbed".

پتا : Foliage : the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. "The leaves are falling down".

Patton Se SajanaDetailQuiz
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