Pay Off meaning in Urdu
Pay Off Synonyms
Pay Off Definitions
2 of 3) Pay Off, Redeem : قرض ادا کرنا : (verb) pay off (loans or promissory notes).
3 of 3) Pay Off, Compensate, Make Up, Pay : معاوضہ دینا : (verb) do or give something to somebody in return.
Useful Words
Beat : ادا نہ کرنا , Amortise : باقاعدگی سے قرض چکانا , Countervail : تلافی کرنا , Compensate : معاوضہ دینا , Recoup : تلافی کرنا , Equalise : برابر کرنا , Absorb : بیڑا اٹھانا , Accept : دوسرے کا بوجھ اٹھانا , Bankruptcy : قرض اتارنے کے لائق نہ ہونا , Remit : چھوڑ دینا , Bankrupt : دیوالیہ , Wash Away : مٹادینا , Knock Out : ختم کرنا , Blue-Pencil : ترمیم کرنا , Deaf-Aid : آلہ سماعت , Make : پیشاب کرنا , Egest : کوئی چیز جسم سے نکالنا , Discharge : خارج کرنا , Deodorise : بدبو رفع کرنا , Depolarise : تقطیب ربائی کرنا , Sweep Away : پوری طرح سے ختم کر دینا , Recalculation : دوبارہ حساب کتاب کرنے کا عمل , Defrayal : ادائی خرچ , Tributary : باجگزار , Levant : چپکے سے فرار ہونا , Underpayment : ضرورت سے کم خرچ یا معاوضہ دینے کا عمل , Polaroid : تقطیب نما , Notice : توجہ , Crasher : بن بلایا مہمان , Fare : کرایہ والا مسافر , Rental : کرایہ داری سے متعلق
Useful Words Definitions
Beat: avoid paying financial obligations, taxes, fees, or debts through legal or illegal means, often to reduce expenses or liabilities.
Amortise: liquidate gradually.
Countervail: compensate for or counterbalance.
Compensate: make payment to; compensate.
Recoup: reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss.
Equalise: compensate; make the score equal.
Absorb: take up, as of debts or payments.
Accept: take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person.
Bankruptcy: inability to discharge all your debts as they come due.
Remit: release from (claims, debts, or taxes).
Bankrupt: someone who has insufficient assets to cover their debts.
Wash Away: eliminate.
Knock Out: eliminate.
Blue-Pencil: cut or eliminate.
Deaf-Aid: an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing.
Make: eliminate urine.
Egest: eliminate from the body.
Discharge: eliminate (a substance).
Deodorise: eliminate the odor from.
Depolarise: eliminate the polarization of.
Sweep Away: eliminate completely and without a trace.
Recalculation: the act of calculating again (usually to eliminate errors or to include additional data).
Defrayal: the act of paying money.
Tributary: paying tribute.
Levant: run off without paying a debt.
Underpayment: the act of paying less than required.
Polaroid: (trade mark) a plastic film that can polarize a beam of light; often used in sunglasses to eliminate glare.
Notice: the act of noticing or paying attention.
Crasher: someone who gets in (to a party) without an invitation or without paying.
Fare: a paying (taxi) passenger.
Rental: the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car).
Related Words
Pay : سزا بھگتنا , Ante Up : قرض چکانا