پینسل مونچھ : Pencil Moonch Meaning in English
Pencil Moonch in Detail
1) پینسل مونچھ : Pencil Moustache : (noun) A Pencil Moustache is very thin and just above the line of the upper lip.
Useful Words
اوپر : Above : at an earlier place. "Just above".
بس : But : and nothing more. "Just go outside".
سلوٹ : Crease : a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface. "His face has many lines".
لب : Lip : either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking.
مونچھ : Moustache : an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip. "Trim the moustache down and lengthen the beards".
موقلم : Pencil : a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood.
پتلا : Thin : lose thickness; become thin or thinner.
بالا تر : Upper : higher in place or position. "The upper bunk".
بہت زیادہ : Rattling : used as intensifiers; `real` is sometimes used informally for `really`; `rattling` is informal. "He played a very well game".