Aam TareekhEsa Maseeh Ki W...Kaley Aaloochey...Afriqi Barey Se...Pani Par Ternay...Kali Safaid Dol...Post Jesa Amrik...Door KayPepal Ka DarakhtYorapi Pat Jhar...Europi JheengarNeeley Kaley Pa...Gul E ShaamPeeley Phoolon ...Chehrey Ki RagChehrey Ki Wo R...Qanoon E MushtarakKhata E Kashish...Sonf Kay PatayZrd Phoolon Wal...

پیپل کا درخت : Pepal Ka Darakht Meaning in English

Pepal Ka Darakht in Detail

1) پیپل کا درخت : Common European Ash European Ash Fraxinus Excelsior : (noun) tall ash of Europe to the Caucasus having leaves shiny dark-green above and pale downy beneath.


Useful Words

اوپر : Above : at an earlier place. "Just above".

راکھ ہونا : Ash : convert into ashes.

نیچے : At A Lower Place : in or to a place that is lower.

رات : Dark : the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside. Dark and nighttime these are synonyms of night, related words of night is evening and period. "Night Prayer is very important".

ملائم : Downlike : like down or as soft as down. "Fluffy fabric".

براعظم یورپ : Europe : the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe` to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles.

ہرا رنگ میں بدلنا : Green : turn or become green. "The red light will turn green".

پتا : Foliage : the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. "The leaves are falling down".

خوف سے سفید پڑ جانا : Blanch : turn pale, as if in fear.

منور : Glistening : reflecting light. "Glistening bodies of swimmers".

لمبا : Tall : great in vertical dimension; high in stature. "You have become quite tall".

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