پھٹ پڑنا : Phat Parna Meaning in English
Phat Parna Synonyms
Phat Parna in Detail
1 of 2) بھڑکنا بھڑک اٹھنا پھٹ پڑنا : Catch Fire Combust Conflagrate Erupt Ignite Take Fire : (verb) start to burn or burst into flames.
Useful Words
جلانا : Burn : destroy by fire. "It will get burnt".
اچانک نکلنا : Burst : emerge suddenly. "The sun burst into view".
روشنی سے چمکنا : Flame : shine with a sudden light. "The night sky flared with the massive bombardment".
ابتدا کرنا : Begin : take the first step or steps in carrying out an action. "Let`s get the dinner started".