پھَیپھڑوں کی بیماری : Phephron Ki Bimari Meaning in English
Phephron Ki Bimari in Detail
1) پھیپھڑوں کی بیماری : Mesothelioma : (noun) a form of carcinoma of the mesothelium lining lungs or abdomen or heart; usually associated with exposure to asbestos dust.
Useful Words
پیٹ : Abdomen : the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis. "Eat less, or your stomach will get upset".
سرطان : Carcinoma : any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer.
تباہ شدہ چیز کی باقیات : Debris : it refers to scattered fragments, wreckage, or remains of something broken, destroyed, or discarded. It often includes various types of material and objects in a state of disarray or disorder. "Space debris cleanup mission".
انکشاف : Exposure : the disclosure of something secret. "They feared exposure of their campaign plans".
جسم : Anatomy : alternative names for the body of a human being. "Anatomy of liver and surrounding".
کپڑوں کے اندر استعمال ہونے والا کپڑا : Liner : a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment.
پھیپڑا : Lung : either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood.
میان مخاطیہ : Mesothelium : epithelium originating in the embryonic mesoderm; lines the primordial body cavity.
عام طور پر : Commonly : under normal conditions. "Usually she was late".