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Philosophical System meaning in Urdu

Philosophical System Synonyms


Philosophical System Definitions

1) Philosophical System, Doctrine, Ism, Philosophy, School Of Thought : نظریہ, عقیدہ, نظام عقائد : (noun) a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school.

Useful Words

Hindooism : ہندو عقائد , Neoplatonism : نو افلاطونیت کا پیرو , Theological System : دینیات , Platonism : افلاطونیت , Relativism : نسبتیت , Aesthetic : جمالیات , Credo : اعتقاد , Materialism : نظریہ مادیت , Idealism : معنویت , Cult : مسلک , Semiology : علم علامات , Ancien Regime : قدیم نظام حکومت , P.A. : عوامی خطابت کا نظام , Jurisprudential : فلسفہ قانون سے متعلق , Cult : ایک ہی مسلک کو مانے والے , Scholastic : فلسفیانہ , Realistic : حقیقت پسندی سے متعلق , Servo : کسی پیچیدہ یا زیادہ طاقت ور مشین کو کنٹرول کرنے والا نظام , Mechanism : فلسفیانہ نظریہ , Transcendental Philosophy : علویت , Monarchism : شہنشاہیت , Scholasticism : فلسفیانہ نظام , Hereditarianism : وراثت کی اہمیت کا نظریہ , Theosophy : فلسفیانہ دین , Determinism : جبریت , Congregationalism : گرجاوں کاخود مختار نظام , Theory : نظریہ , Urologist : ماہرعلم البول , Brain Doctor : نیورولوجی میں ماہر , Spoils System : انتظامیہ کے حامیوں کو صلہ خدمت میں عہدہ دینا , Christian Religion : عیسائیت

Useful Words Definitions

Hindooism: a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation, by a belief in a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils.

Neoplatonism: a system of philosophical and theological doctrines composed of elements of Platonism and Aristotelianism and oriental mysticism; its most distinctive doctrine holds that the first principle and source of reality transcends being and thought and is naturally unknowable.

Theological System: a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings.

Platonism: (philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that abstract concepts exist independent of their names.

Relativism: (philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that all criteria of judgment are relative to the individuals and situations involved.

Aesthetic: (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful.

Credo: any system of principles or beliefs.

Materialism: (philosophy) the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality.

Idealism: (philosophy) the philosophical theory that ideas are the only reality.

Cult: a system of religious beliefs and rituals.

Semiology: (philosophy) a philosophical theory of the functions of signs and symbols.

Ancien Regime: a political and social system that no longer governs (especially the system that existed in France before the French Revolution).

P.A.: an electronic amplification system used as a communication system in public areas.

Jurisprudential: relating to the science or philosophy of law or a system of laws.

Cult: followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices.

Scholastic: of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of scholasticism.

Realistic: of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism.

Servo: control system that converts a small mechanical motion into one requiring much greater power; may include a negative feedback system.

Mechanism: (philosophy) the philosophical theory that all phenomena can be explained in terms of physical or biological causes.

Transcendental Philosophy: any system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material.

Monarchism: a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system.

Scholasticism: the system of philosophy dominant in medieval Europe; based on Aristotle and the Church Fathers.

Hereditarianism: the philosophical doctrine that heredity is more important than environment in determining intellectual growth.

Theosophy: a system of belief based on mystical insight into the nature of God and the soul.

Determinism: (philosophy) a philosophical theory holding that all events are inevitable consequences of antecedent sufficient causes; often understood as denying the possibility of free will.

Congregationalism: system of beliefs and church government of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing.

Theory: a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena.

Urologist: a medical specialist who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary system and the male reproductive system. This includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra, and male reproductive organs such as the testes, prostate.

Brain Doctor: A neurologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases and disorders related to the nervous system. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, which play a crucial role in controlling and coordinating the body`s functions.

Spoils System: the system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power.

Christian Religion: a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.

Related Words

Belief : عقیدہ , Abolitionism : غلامی کی منسوخی کا نظریہ , Absolutism : نظریہ مطلق العنانی , Animism : >jنظریہ کہx^ ہر شئے میں روح ہوتی ہے , Asceticism : رہبانیت

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