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پِیپ دار زخم : Pip Dar Zakham Meaning in English

Pip Dar Zakham in Detail

1) پیپ دار زخم : Fester Suppurating Sore : (noun) a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus.


Useful Words

بن جانا : Become : undergo a change or development. "What will you become when you grow up?".

روشن : Ablaze : lighted with red light as if with flames. "Streets ablaze with lighted Christmas trees".

ایک مصنوعی تابکار عنصر : Atomic Number 94 : a solid silvery grey radioactive transuranic element whose atoms can be split when bombarded with neutrons; found in minute quantities in uranium ores but is usually synthesized in nuclear reactors; 13 isotopes are known with the most important being plutonium 239.

حساس : Raw : hurting. "Don`t break her heart not even in a joke because she is so sensitive".

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