Pitch Black meaning in Urdu
Pitch Black Synonyms
Pitch Black Definitions
1) Pitch Black, Coal Black, Ebony, Jet Black, Sable, Soot Black : گہرا سیاہ رنگ, بہت کالا : (noun) a very dark black.
Useful Words
Common European Jay : نیلے کالے پروں والی چڑیا , Coal-Black : کالک سے آٹا ہوا , Baneberry : زہریلی بیری کا پودا , Falco Columbarius : ایک چھوٹا یورپی باز , Blackberry : آنچھو ایک پھل , Brazilian Rosewood : برازیل میں پایا جانے والا ایک درخت , Holly-Leaves Barberry : نیلے بیر کا درخت , Blackish : قدرے سیاہ , Black : کالا کرنا , Ink-Black : سیاہ روشنائی , Gray-Black : کالا سرمئی , Whidah : افریکی پرندہ , Black Sheep : کالی بھیڑ , Genus Tantilla : کالے سر والا سانپ , Aberdeen Angus : اسکاٹ لینڈ کا سیاہ رنگ کا ایک بے سینگ مویشی , Capercaillie : کالا مرغا , Blackbird : کوئل نم پرندہ , Black Grouse : کالا تیتر , Crow : کوا , Adalia Bipunctata : بل بوٹی , Scalp : ناجائز تجارت , Panther : چیتا , Adzhar : جارجیا کا صوبہ , Mulatto : کالی سفید نسل کے والدین کی اولاد , Black And White : سیاہ و سفید , Tabby : چتکبری بلی , Achromatic Color : کالا ، سرمئی یا سفید رنگ , Abkhas : ابخازی لوگ , Mammy : امریکی حبشی دایہ , Chess Piece : مہرہ , Common Dolphin : کالی سفید ڈولفن
Useful Words Definitions
Common European Jay: fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings.
Coal-Black: of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal.
Baneberry: a plant having acrid poisonous berries. Cohosh refers to a group of flowering plants, including black cohosh and blue cohosh, used in herbal medicine. Black cohosh is commonly used to alleviate menopausal symptoms, while blue cohosh has traditional uses for various ailments.
Falco Columbarius: small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry.
Blackberry: large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus.
Brazilian Rosewood: an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black.
Holly-Leaves Barberry: ornamental evergreen shrub of Pacific coast of North America having dark green pinnate leaves and racemes of yellow flowers followed by blue-black berries.
Blackish: of something that is somewhat black.
Black: make or become black.
Ink-Black: of the color of black ink.
Gray-Black: of black tinged with grey.
Whidah: mostly black African weaverbird.
Black Sheep: sheep with a black coat.
Genus Tantilla: black-headed snakes.
Aberdeen Angus: black hornless breed from Scotland.
Capercaillie: large black Old World grouse.
Blackbird: common black European thrush.
Black Grouse: grouse of which the male is bluish-black.
Crow: black birds having a raucous call.
Adalia Bipunctata: red ladybug with a black spot on each wing.
Scalp: sell illegally, as on the black market.
Panther: a leopard in the black color phase.
Adzhar: an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea.
Mulatto: an offspring of a black and a white parent.
Black And White: a black-and-white photograph or slide.
Tabby: a cat with a grey or tawny coat mottled with black.
Achromatic Color: a color lacking hue; white or grey or black.
Abkhas: Circassian people living east of the Black Sea.
Mammy: an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U.S.
Chess Piece: any of 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess.
Common Dolphin: black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water.