Fazaiya Ka AfsarFizai TahaffuzAmreki Fizai Fa...Huwa Thandi Kar...Hawa Sukernay WalaPhaipray Ki Theli Fazaiya Ka Afsar Suwa MachliPizza HutHuwa Bhray Paay Huwa Bahra Sahara Huwa Bahra Takia Fazaiya Amreki Fazaiya Fizai Darsgha Huwa Bazoun Ka ...AqiqahGajar Ka HalwaHawai Hathori Huwa Ka Kam Dbao

پیزا ہٹ : Pizza Hut Meaning in English

Pizza Hut in Detail

1) پیزا ہٹ : Pizza Hut : (noun) Pizza hut is an American food chain founded in 1958, it offers pizza and pasta etc.

We celebrated birthday at pizza hut.


Useful Words

امریکی باشندہ : American : a native or inhabitant of the United States. "These are American cashew".

زنجیر سے باندھنا : Chain : fasten or secure with chains. "Who chained the car?".

کھانا : Food : any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment. "What`s for food ?".

جھونپڑی : Hovel : small crude shelter used as a dwelling. "Whose is that hut?".

یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".

عبادت کرنا : Offer : present as an act of worship. "Did you offer Salah ?".

پیزہ : Pizza : Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese. "Who ordered pizza?".

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