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Prelim meaning in Urdu

Prelim Synonym


Prelim Definitions

1) Prelim, Preliminary : پہلے حصے کا, تعارفی, افتتاحی : (noun) a minor match preceding the main event.

Useful Words

Front Matter : کتاب کا تعارفی مواد , Demolition : تباہی , Aftermath : نتیجہ , Outline : منصوبہ , Sketch : خاکہ , Draft : خاکہ , Rough : خاکہ تیار کرنا , Warm Up : جسم گرم ہونا , Preamble : تمہید باندھنا , Beta : امتحانی دور , Preamble : مقدمہ , Spadework : بنیادی کام , Seconder : تائید کنندہ , Mismatch : نامناسب جوڑ , Green Paper : بحث کی غرض سے شائع کی جانے والی رپورٹ , Adjustment : معیار کے مطابق بنانے کا عمل , Fight : کشتی وغیرہ , Match Game : ٹیسٹ میچ , Tennis Match : ٹینس کا مقابلہ , Adjustable : حسب حال ہو نے کے قابل , Craw : پوٹا , Boxing Match : مکے بازی کا مقابلہ , Final : آخری مقابلہ , Cockfight : مرغوں کی لڑائی , Antecedence : پہلے , Antemortem : موت سے پہلے , Yesterday : گزشتہ روز , Preparative : تیار کرنا , Apr : اپریل , Old : سابقہ , Ult : گزشتہ ماہ

Useful Words Definitions

Front Matter: written matter preceding the main text of a book.

Demolition: an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something.

Aftermath: the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event).

Outline: a schematic or preliminary plan.

Sketch: preliminary drawing for later elaboration.

Draft: a preliminary sketch of a design or picture.

Rough: prepare in preliminary or sketchy form.

Warm Up: cause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles.

Preamble: make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document.

Beta: preliminary or testing stage of a software or hardware product.

Preamble: a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose).

Spadework: dull or routine preliminary work preparing for an undertaking.

Seconder: someone who endorses a motion or petition as a necessary preliminary to a discussion or vote.

Mismatch: a bad or unsuitable match.

Green Paper: a preliminary report of government proposals that is published in order to stimulate discussion.

Adjustment: the act of adjusting something to match a standard.

Fight: a boxing or wrestling match.

Match Game: an international championship match.

Tennis Match: a match between tennis players.

Adjustable: capable of being changed so as to match or fit.

Craw: a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food.

Boxing Match: a match between boxers; usually held in a boxing ring.

Final: the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament.

Cockfight: a match in a cockpit between two fighting cocks heeled with metal gaffs.

Antecedence: preceding in time.

Antemortem: preceding death.

Yesterday: on the day preceding today.

Preparative: preceding and preparing for something.

Apr: the month following March and preceding May.

Old: just preceding something else in time or order.

Ult: in or of the month preceding the present one.

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