پَریشانی سے آزاد : Preshani Se Azad Meaning in English
Preshani Se Azad Synonyms
Preshani Se Azad in Detail
1 of 4) پریشانی سے آزاد مطمئن پر سکون : Unflurried Unflustered Unperturbed Unruffled : (satellite adjective) free from emotional agitation or nervous tension.
2 of 4) پریشانی سے آزاد : Untroubled : (adjective) not beset by troubles or disturbance or distress.
3 of 4) بے فکری پریشانی سے آزاد : Carefree Unworried : (satellite adjective) free of trouble and worry and care.
4 of 4) پریشانی سے آزاد : Untroubled : (satellite adjective) free from turmoil or worries.
Useful Words
ذہنی بے چینی : Agitation : a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance. "He spoke in agitation".
جذباتی : Emotional : determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason. "She doesn`t like him anymore because he is just an emotional wuss".
فارغ : Free : not taken up by scheduled activities. "Are you free right now ?".
زہنی دباو : Stress : (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense. "He suffered from fatigue and emotional tension".