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پریشر گروپ : Pressure Group Meaning in English

Pressure Group in Detail

1) پریشر گروپ : Lobby Pressure Group Third House : (noun) a group of people who try actively to influence legislation.


Useful Words

سرگرمی سے : Actively : in an active manner. "He participated actively in the war".

گروہ : Group : any number of entities (members) considered as a unit.

زیر اثر : Act Upon : have and exert influence or effect. "The artist`s work influenced the young painter".

قانون سازی : Legislation : law enacted by a legislative body.

لوگ : People : (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively. "What do I tell people?".

کوشش کرنا : Assay : make an effort or attempt. "I tried alot".

Pressure GroupDetailQuiz
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