IkhlaqiSeenghoun Kay B...Khokla SinghSing WalaPurany Khayalat...Qadamat ParsatDono Haath Masa...Do HatiyaQabil E IlzamGhair AadilFasiqHata KataJaan WalaKushada Siny WalaSakhat JaanSakhat Mosam Ba...Bhari Aslahay S...Daira NumaBalb JesaAnguthi Jesa

قابلِ الزام : Qabil E Ilzam Meaning in English


Qabil E Ilzam in Detail

1) قابل نفرت قابل مذمت مجرمانہ : Condemnable Criminal Deplorable Reprehensible Vicious : (satellite adjective) bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure.

Useful Words

دینا : Bringing : the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail). "His reluctant delivery of bad news".

مذمت کرنا : Censure : rebuke formally. "Who are you to censure me ?".

لائق : Deserving : worthy of being treated in a particular way. "An idea worth considering".

ڈانٹنا : Bawl Out : censure severely or angrily. "He tried to reprimand me".

سخت ناگوار : Severe : intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality. "Any individual or groups go against state will face severe consequences".

Qabil E IlzamDetailQuiz
یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا