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قَدامَت پَسَند : Qadamat Pasand Meaning in English

Qadamat Pasand Synonyms


Qadamat Pasand in Detail

1 of 7) قدامت پسند وہ شخص جو جدید خیالات کا مخالف ہو : Conservative Conservativist : (noun) a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas.

2 of 7) کٹر قدامت پسند : Die-Hard Rock-Ribbed : (satellite adjective) tradition-bound and obstinately opinionated.

3 of 7) قدامت پسند : Fusty Nonprogressive Standpat Unprogressive : (satellite adjective) old-fashioned and out of date.

4 of 7) قدامت پسند : Right-Wing Rightist : (satellite adjective) believing in or supporting tenets of the political right.

5 of 7) رجعت پسند دائیں بازو کا قدامت پسند : Right-Winger Rightist : (noun) a member of a right wing political party.

6 of 7) قدامت پسند نئے خیالات کا مخالف : Right Right Wing : (noun) those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged.

7 of 7) قدامت پسند : Archaist : (noun) a person who archaizes.

Useful Words

قبول کرنا : Accept : receive willingly something given or offered. "May Allah accept the sacrifice of all".

حد : Bound : a line determining the limits of an area.

بدلنا : Alter : cause to change; make different; cause a transformation. "He found out on a moonlit night that his kurta was bigger than his actual size, so he gave the kurta to the tailor to alter it".

ارادہ : Idea : the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about. "Your thoughts would put you in a big trouble one day".

ابھی : Fresh : very recently. "That newly wed couple looks so stunning".

ڈھٹائی سے : Cussedly : in a stubborn unregenerate manner. "She remained stubbornly in the same position".

اپنی رائے سے نہ ہٹنے والا : Opinionated : obstinate in your opinions.

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

ناراض : Loath : unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom. "My wife obeyed me in a reluctant way".

روایت : Tradition : an inherited pattern of thought or action.

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