ردِّ عمل ظاہر ہونا : Rad E Amal Zahir Hona Meaning in English
Rad E Amal Zahir Hona Sentence
Rad E Amal Zahir Hona in Detail
1) رد عمل ظاہر ہونا رد عمل دینا : React Respond : (verb) show a response or a reaction to something.
Useful Words
ایک کیمیائی رد عمل : Chemical Reaction : (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others. "There was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water".
نتیجہ : Response : a result. "They called the opposition for reconciliation but no response has been received from them yet".
تماشہ : Show : the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining. "You have stolen the show".
کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".