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رَگَڑ لَگنا : Ragar Lagna Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Ragar Lagna in Detail

1) خراش لگنا رگڑ لگنا : Graze : (verb) break the skin (of a body part) by scraping.

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Useful Words

جسم : Body : the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being). "He felt as if his whole body were on fire".

خلل : Break : some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity. "Apply the breaks".

حصہ : Component : something determined in relation to something that includes it. "He wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself".

کھرچنے کی آواز : Scrape : a harsh noise made by scraping. "The scrape of violin bows distracted her".

چھلکا : Peel : the rind of a fruit or vegetable. "Remove the skin".

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