رَسَم و تَکَلُّف کے بَغَیر : Rasam O Takalluf Kay Baghair Meaning in English
Rasam O Takalluf Kay Baghair in Detail
1 of 2) رسم و تکلف کے بغیر بے تکلفانہ : Unceremonial Unceremonious : (satellite adjective) without ceremony or formality.
2 of 2) رسم و تکلف کے بغیر : Unceremonious : (satellite adjective) without due formalities.
Useful Words
تقریب : Ceremonial : a formal event performed on a special occasion. "A ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor".
رسم : Formalities : a requirement of etiquette or custom. "What was the need for this formality".