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سادہ : Sada Meaning in English

Sada Synonyms


Sada in Detail

1 of 15) کورا سادہ : Blank Clean White : (satellite adjective) (of a surface) not written or printed on.

2 of 15) سدا ہمیشہ ہر وقت : Always E'er Ever : (adverb) at all times; all the time and on every occasion.

3 of 15) سادہ بے آرائش : Unadorned Undecorated : (adjective) not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction.

4 of 15) سادہ : Bare Plain Spare Unembellished Unornamented : (satellite adjective) lacking embellishment or ornamentation.

5 of 15) سادہ نہایت سادہ : Austere Severe Stark Stern : (satellite adjective) severely simple.

6 of 15) معصوم سادہ : Ingenuous Innocent : (satellite adjective) lacking in sophistication or worldliness.

7 of 15) سادہ بدہو آدمی بدہو : Simple Simpleton : (noun) a person lacking intelligence or common sense.

8 of 15) سادہ : Ascetic Ascetical Austere Spartan : (satellite adjective) practicing great self-denial.

9 of 15) سادہ : Plain : (adjective) not elaborate or elaborated; simple.

10 of 15) سادہ : Chaste : (satellite adjective) pure and simple in design or style.

11 of 15) سادہ : Artless : (adjective) simple and natural; without cunning or deceit.

12 of 15) سادہ : Modest : (satellite adjective) free from pomp or affectation.

13 of 15) سادہ : Quiet Restrained : (satellite adjective) not showy or obtrusive.

14 of 15) سادہ : Homely : (satellite adjective) without artificial refinement or elegance.

15 of 15) سادہ صحت بخش : Organic : (satellite adjective) simple and healthful and close to nature.

Useful Words

مکمل طور پر : All : to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole` is often used informally for `wholly`). "How can you live here? It`s like a village and I am not entirely convinced that this place should be used to live".

ہر : Every : (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception. "Every person is mortal".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

موقع : Juncture : an event that occurs at a critical time. "Prime Minister said on the occasion that he will provide one crore jobs".

نمودار ہونا : Come Up : come to the surface.

وقت : Time : a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something. "What time do you get off of work?".

لکھا ہوا : Written : set down in writing in any of various ways. "Miss, what is written here?".

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