AraishiGhair MustaqilJuz WaqtiKuraMaal Se BahraPeeth Bahra HonaBojh Se Lada HuwaBahraSajavatiChalti HuiKar Aamad ShayChalnay WalaAzowiTakonay Badbano...Muraba Shakal K...NapukhtBe Par Ka Jesay...Saholatoun Or Z...Be Saz O SamaanGhair Aarasta

سجاوٹی : Sajavati Meaning in English

Sajavati in Detail

1) آرائشی سجاوٹی : Cosmetic Decorative Ornamental : (satellite adjective) serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose.


Useful Words

حسین : Aesthetic : concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste. "The aesthetic faculties".

توقع : Aim : an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions. "The purpose of our lives is to follow the commandments of Allah".

بلکہ : Instead : on the contrary. "Rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left".

سے : Than : Used for comparison. "She is a better than I".

کار آمد : Useful : being of use or service. "The girl felt motherly and useful".

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