سکاٹ لینڈ کی بولی اس کے لوگوں کے متعلق : Sakat Land Ki Boli Es Kay Logon Kay Mutaliq Meaning in English
Sakat Land Ki Boli Es Kay Logon Kay Mutaliq in Detail
1) سکاٹ لینڈ کی بولی اس کے لوگوں کے متعلق : Scotch Scots Scottish : (adjective) of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language.
Useful Words
خصوصیت : Characteristic : feature commonly denotes a standout or unique attribute, trait, or property of a subject or individual. It may also point to a particular component or facet within a broader context, like a landscape feature, a cinematic feature film, or a magazine feature article. Features often serve as noteworthy, meaningful, or defining characteristics in the subject under consideration. "Whatsapp added new features last week".
تہذیب : Civilisation : a particular society at a particular time and place. "Culture of pakistan".
بولی : Accent : the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people. "The immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English".
انگریزی : English : an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries. "Did you speak English?".
آئرلینڈ اور اسکاٹ لینڈ کے علاقوں کی بولیاں : Erse : any of several related languages of the Celts in Ireland and Scotland.
یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".
زبان : Language : a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. "I speak in your language".
لوگ : People : (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively. "What do I tell people?".
اسکاٹ لینڈ : Scotland : one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts.