ساکِن کرنا : Sakin Karna Meaning in English
Sakin Karna Sentences
Sakin Karna Synonyms
Sakin Karna in Detail
1 of 2) ساکن کرنا پرسکون کرنا : Calm Calm Down Lull Quiet Quieten Still Tranquilize Tranquillise Tranquillize : (verb) make relaxed or still.
2 of 2) بے حرکت کرنا ساکن کرنا روکنا : Immobilise Immobilize Pin Trap : (verb) to hold fast or prevent from moving.
Useful Words
بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".
پر سکون : Relaxed : without strain or anxiety. "Gave the impression of being quite relaxed".
اب بھی : Still : with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation. "Still sitting?".