اسکور کیے بغیر ہارنا : Score Kiye Baghair Harna Meaning in English
Score Kiye Baghair Harna in Detail
1) اسکور کیے بغیر ہارنا : Whitewash : (noun) a defeat in which the losing person or team fails to score.
Useful Words
ہار : Defeat : an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest. "He doesn`t acknowledge defeat".
ناکام ہونا : Fail : be unsuccessful. "Work hard lest you should fail".
شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".
اسکور کرنا : Hit : gain points in a game. "He scored 50 goals in the past season".
جماعت بنانا : Team : form a team. "We teamed up for this new project".