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شفقت : Shafqat Meaning in English

Shafqat Synonyms


Shafqat in Detail

1 of 3) مشفقانہ انداز شفقت : Benignancy Benignity Graciousness : (noun) the quality of being kind and gentle.

2 of 3) نرم دلی شفقت : Lenience Leniency Lenity Mildness : (noun) mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant.

3 of 3) رحم دلی شفقت مہربانی : Mercifulness Mercy : (noun) a disposition to be kind and forgiving.

Useful Words

منانا : Appease : cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of. "He suffered a lot since he was kicked out of the house, but he pacified his father eventually".

مہربان : Kind : having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior. "It is so kind of you".

خوبی : Character : a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something. "What quality does it possess ?".

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