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شرمندگی : Shrmindgi Meaning in English

Shrmindgi Synonyms


Shrmindgi in Detail

1 of 6) شرمندگی شرمندگی کا احساس : Embarrassing Mortifying : (satellite adjective) causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation.

2 of 6) ندامت شرمساری شرمندگی : Attrition Contriteness Contrition : (noun) sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation.

4 of 6) شرمندگی ندامت : Shame : (noun) a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt.

5 of 6) شرمندگی : Embarrassment : (noun) the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public.

6 of 6) شرمندگی : Chagrin Humiliation Mortification : (noun) strong feelings of embarrassment.

Useful Words

وجہ : Causation : the act of causing something to happen.

بے عزت کرنا : Abase : cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of. "India got humiliated".

جہنم کا عذاب : Damnation : the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell. "May Allah save us from eternal damnation".

ڈرنا : Fear : be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event. "I don`t even fear your father".

محسوس کرنا : Feel : be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state. "I`m not feeling well".

رسوا کروانا : Attaint : bring shame or dishonor upon. "You put me to dishonor".

گناہ کرنا : Sin : commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law. "I have committed a sin".

غم : Sorrow : an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement. "He tried to express his sorrow at her loss".

برہمی : Annoyance : anger produced by some annoying irritation.
