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شمالی طرف واقع : Shumali Taraf Waqe Meaning in English

Shumali Taraf Waqe in Detail

1) شمالی طرف واقع : Northerly Northern : (satellite adjective) situated in or oriented toward the north.


Useful Words

شمال : Due North : the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees.

کسی خاص وجہ سے بنا ہوا : Orientated : adjusted or located in relation to surroundings or circumstances; sometimes used in combination. "The house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view".

واقع : Located : situated in a particular spot or position. "Valuable centrally located urban land".

طرف : Toward : in the direction of. "If Allah wills, Pakistan will move towards success in the times to come".

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