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اسکیٹنگ کا پہیّے دار جوتا : Skating Ka Pheay Dar Joota Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Skating Ka Pheay Dar Joota in Detail

1) اسکیٹنگ کا پہیے دار جوتا : Rollerblade : (noun) (trademark) an in-line skate.

English Learning Quiz

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Useful Words

سلوٹ : Crease : a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface. "His face has many lines".

اسکیٹ : Skate : sports equipment that is worn on the feet to enable the wearer to glide along and to be propelled by the alternate actions of the legs.

تجارتی نشان دینا : Brand : mark with a brand or trademark. "When this product is not branded it sells for a lower price".

Skating Ka Pheay Dar JootaDetailQuiz
چائے میں چینی ملا دو