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Slow meaning in Urdu

Slow Sentences

Slow Synonyms


Slow Definitions

1 of 7) Slow : سست, ڈھیلا : (adjective) not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time.

You are too slow.
A slow walker.+ More

2 of 7) Slow, Decelerate, Retard, Slow Down, Slow Up : آہستہ : (verb) lose velocity; move more slowly.

3 of 7) Slow, Easy, Slowly, Tardily : سست رفتاری سے : (adverb) without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly').

He spoke slowly.
Please go slow so I can see the sights.

4 of 7) Slow, Slack, Slacken, Slow Down, Slow Up : آہستہ ہونا, کم ہونا : (verb) become slow or slower.

Slow down brother.
Production slowed.

5 of 7) Slow, Dense, Dim, Dull, Dumb, Obtuse : نکما, کند ذہن, کم عقل : (satellite adjective) slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity.

Worked with the slow students.

6 of 7) Slow, Boring, Deadening, Dull, Ho-Hum, Irksome, Tedious, Tiresome, Wearisome : اکتا دینے والا, بیزار کن : (satellite adjective) so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.

7 of 7) Slow, Dull, Sluggish : ہلکا, سست, سست کاروبار : (satellite adjective) (of business) not active or brisk.

Business is dull (or slow).

Useful Words

Horned Pondweed : تالابی گھاس , Inert : سست , Crawl : دھیرے دھیرے , Lentissimo : بہت دھیما , Bog : دلدل میں پھنسا دینا , Lento : دھیما , Dullness : کند ذہنی , Jog : ہلکی دوڑ , Lazily : سستی سے , Lingeringly : تاخیر سے , Check : ترقی روکنا , Heavy : بھاری وزن , Leaden : بوجھل , Denseness : داماغی طور پے سست , Choke : قابو کرنا , Pace : چہل قدمی کرنا , Largo : دھیما , Wreathe : آہستہ اور بل کھاتے ہوئے حرکت کرنا , Brake : بریک , Bottleneck : رکاوٹ کھڑی کرنا , Dead March : جلوس تدفین , Infiltration : انجذاب , Drawl : آہستہ آہستہ گفتگو کرنا , Andante : دھیمی چال , Quickstep : بزمیہ رقص کا طریقہ , Jogger : آہستہ آہستہ دوڑنے والا , Shamble : لڑکھڑاتے ہوۓ چلنا , Unready : سست , Dazed : مدہوش , Crawl : گھسٹنا , Hiba Arborvitae : جاپانی پودا

Useful Words Definitions

Horned Pondweed: found in still or slow-moving fresh or brackish water; useful to oxygenate cool water ponds and aquaria.

Inert: slow and apathetic.

Crawl: a very slow movement.

Lentissimo: (of tempo) very slow.

Bog: cause to slow down or get stuck.

Lento: (of tempo) slow.

Dullness: the quality of being slow to understand.

Jog: a slow pace of running.

Lazily: in a slow and lazy manner.

Lingeringly: in a slow, leisurely or prolonged way.

Check: slow the growth or development of.

Heavy: slow and laborious because of weight.

Leaden: (of movement) slow and laborious.

Denseness: the quality of being mentally slow and limited.

Choke: check or slow down the action or effect of.

Pace: walk with slow or fast paces.

Largo: very slow in tempo and broad in manner.

Wreathe: move with slow, sinuous movements.

Brake: a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle.

Bottleneck: slow down or impede by creating an obstruction.

Dead March: a slow march to be played for funeral processions.

Infiltration: the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium.

Drawl: a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels.

Andante: a moderately slow tempo (a walking pace).

Quickstep: a ballroom dance with both quick and slow steps.

Jogger: someone who runs a steady slow pace (usually for exercise).

Shamble: walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet.

Unready: not prepared or in a state of readiness; slow to understand or respond.

Dazed: stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion).

Crawl: a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body.

Hiba Arborvitae: slow-growing medium-large Japanese evergreen used as an ornamental.

Related Words

Fastness : رفتار , Colloquialism : عام بول چال , Decrease : کم کرنا , Weaken : کمزور تر ہونا , Delay : طول دینا , Dilatory : تاخیر کرنا , Lazy : کاہل , Long-Play : فوٹو گراف یا ریکارڈ جس کا قطر دس سے بارہ انچ ہو , Gradual : تدریجی , Unhurried : تحمل سے , Uninteresting : غیر دلچسپ

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